Create an Account at TBPB

View all of your upcoming sessions, past sessions, cancelled sessions and any credits applied to your account

It is NOT necessary to have an account — but we recommend it and it can be helpful to keep track of your sessions.

Step by Step Instructions

Before you start — we want to let you know this is NOT an ideal process — we are dealing with some software limitations and trying to develop a better solution. In the meantime, we believe it will give most players the information they are wanting to see.

Here is what’s happening — the software we are using ONLY allows you to create an account AFTER you have registered for a session — therefore we are going to have you register for a FREE session called “Create an Account” — this will accomplish the goal of getting you all set up.

Follow these steps exactly (Step 5 & 6 are the most important steps)

STEP 1: Click this Link and register for any of the sessions called “TBPB Internal: Create an Account”

STEP 2: Enter your Name, Phone #, Email & Skill Level

STEP 3: Apply code: NEWACCOUNT (you won’t be charged anything)

STEP 4: Complete Appointment

STEP 5: **MOST IMPORTANT STEP** — Click “Register for an Account”

STEP 6: Create Password

You should now have an account, be able to log in and see all of your upcoming appointments, past appointments, cancelled appointments and credits on your account.

**If you can’t see all of this information, there may have been an issue linking your appointments to your new account — please contact us and we can manually connect your appointments to your new account.

Once you have an account set up, you can click here to log in and see all of your sessions — upcoming, past, cancelled and all credits.

When you are logged in — you should see all of your sessions here.

We realize this process isn’t ideal and will do our best to make it work for you.

If this doesn’t work or if you run into any trouble — please contact our customer service team via text at 813-213-4771 or email us at or message us from the chatbox at the bottom right of the website and we will try to diagnose and fix this for you.